TBI happens when a sudden external, physical force damages the brain. It can be the result of falls, motor vehicle accidents, being struck by an object, explosions, or assaults.
If not treated it can lead to irreversible brain damage due to brain cell destruction. It often results in cognitive impairments, personality changes, depression, and increased risk of suicide.
At CLS Functional Neuro Center, we work at helping the brain to heal and in training the brain to build new networks to reroute the damaged nerve system function.

Is the CLS Functional Neuro Center right for you?
Brain Fog
Vestibular Balance Issues
Memory Lapses

Two years ago, my brother had a devastating stroke. He was a very active, relatively healthy, very busy automotive worker, husband, and father to 3 children. It affected his life in so many ways, most critical was use of his entire left side of his body which had ramifications on his entire existence across the board.It was a hard stroke location to initially diagnose by the hospital he was in and, therefore, he wasn’t treated as quickly as could have been. In fact, the services provided are what made his whole situation even worse.
He was hospitalized for 2 weeks and returned home with major limitations. Over the past 2 years, he has focused heavily on physical therapy and strength/coordination rebuilding. He improved some, but he still couldn’t go about his regular activities of daily living without severe restrictions.We began care at CLS Functional Neurology Center in March and saw changes and improvements almost immediately, including better coordination, a decrease in discomfort, gait improvement, and an increase in overall lifestyle and attitude. I know that if this clinic had existed two years ago, my brother might be close to 100% today. Unfortunately, that was just not the case, as this type of care was not available at the time of the incident.When we’ve been in the clinic, we’ve seen other stroke patients, autistic children, kids with severe POTS, Parkinson’s patients, and more, all experiencing life-changing results.Its incredible how far my brother has come since being under care at the Neuro Center. His life has completely changed for the better and he is starting to live again.
Jessie sustained a significant concussion while playing hockey and was told by his doctors in Alaska that he would never speak again.
Watch Jessie's video and see how Functional Neurology and the GyroStim gave Jessie his words and life back.